4 Ounce Perfumes will now be in plastic bottles! Due to the increase of cost of glass bottles! :(

Broken Teacup - 1/2 Ounce - High Quality Perfume Oil - Vegan - Gothic - Grapeseed Oil - Organic Oils


Occasionally I drop a teacup to the floor just to see it shatter; I’m disappointed when it doesn’t pick itself up and come back together. ”

Broken Teacup is a blend of parchment paper, black tea, leather, dark tonka bean, rosewood and sweet berries 🖤

You will receive a 1/2 bottle!

Ingredients: organic grapeseed oil, cosmetic grade fragrance oil blend (TRB blend)

NOTE: This is a lightweight oil and I do NOT use synthetic preservatives to make it last longer on the skin. So you may need to reapply through out the day!